Our Net Zero Delivery team are pleased to offer an ‘Employee Emissions Survey’ option as one of our net zero packages, this offering is directly focused on taking the pain away from gathering employee commuting (scope 3) and work from home (scope 3) emission data.
Many companies may already be collecting data to calculate annual carbon emissions, but find gathering employee data challenging, our SEAZERO Carbon Accounting Portal allows companies to automate employee data gathering. By simply bulk importing employee email addresses into our portal, a personalised survey will be sent out to each employee, automatically logging, and calculating their work-related carbon footprint based on their responses. This leaves employers with an accurate understanding of the total carbon emissions produced from their employee’s commute and work from home hours.
To promote employee engagement, we equip clients with an information pack, including a video, email template and slide pack, to circulate company-wide before sending out the survey.
Collecting employee emissions is particularly relevant for companies supplying the UK government who under the Policy Procurement Notice (06/21) are required to disclose employee commute emissions in their Carbon Reduction Plan.
Knowing your employee emissions can help you make informed choices about emission reduction and can have added benefit to your organisations, for example it may help dictate which employee benefit schemes to enact next, for example a Cycle to Work Scheme, Electric Vehicle Sacrifice or installing better facilities within offices such as showers or bike stores.