Sealand Projects Ltd are delighted to announce that we have reached “Granted” status for Fit 4 Offshore Renewables (F4OR) Programme by Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult.
The UK’s rapidly growing offshore renewables market has led to the development of a highly capable and competitive supply chain. Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult designed the F4OR programme to maximise opportunities for business’s wanting to integrate into the supply chain both domestically and globally. The programme was designed with input from the offshore renewable energy industry and was delivered by business management consultant Opergy Ltd.
Our years of experience in the offshore sector providing sustainable solutions in harsh marine environments for Oil and Gas and Renewables made us an ideal candidate to participate in the F4OR programme. The last 12 months journey with the F4OR team and Cohort, has afforded us the opportunity to develop our systems, processes and build upon our offshore renewables knowledge.
Our Granted status now confirms that ORE Catapult is fully satisfied that Sealand possesses the transferable skills, capability and competence to meet the required standard to do business in the Offshore renewables sector.
We have benefitted greatly from the advice, mentoring and encouragement to improve our service offering, ensuring the foundations are in place to grow the company further.
Finally, we would like to acknowledge the time, effort and determination of Opergy and our team in supporting this initiative, to gain F4OR accreditation, all on the backdrop of maintaining business continuity.